Sunday, October 10, 2010

FallBall is on it's way!!

Well I asked a guy to Fallball (it is a girls choice dance). I asked him by getting a deck of cards and then putting a card on a plastic fork and doing it to all the cards and on the king cards i wrote on the top saying "Will you be my king to Fall Ball?" then he responded by taking the cards off the forks and writting a letter on some of the cards then getting a poster board and he wrote a card like for example he had a diamond then a 6 in the middle of the diamond and then i had to go find that card and write the letter on the card were the 6 of diamond was on the poster board. The poster board said "Here's the deal, no gambling, you beat i'll go with you" :) His name is Rayce Bryan ( infor you all probly want to know about him he is a good LDS boy :), he plays on the football team and he plays baseball, very tall he is about 6" ish if not taller.) I have like him for a while so it will be a blast. But the down fall it is not for another month and a half so you will not be able to see pictures for a while. But their is a big group of us that are going together and our day plans are the amazing race (that court and stephine that are putting it together) then going home getting ready and then go to dinner at the Text Road House that should be fun.

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